Microsoft Recruitment 2024 For Software Engineer

Microsoft Recruitment 2024: Microsoft Recruitment 2024 For Software Engineer. B.E / B.Tech M.E / M.Tech candidates can apply. The detailed eligibility and application process are given below.

About Company: Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Our mission is grounded in both the world in which we live and the future we strive to create. Today, we live in a mobile-first, cloud-first world, and the transformation we are driving across our businesses is designed to enable Microsoft and our customers to thrive in this world. We do business in 170 countries and are made up of 144,000 passionate employees dedicated to fulfilling our mission of helping you and your organization achieve more.

Job Title: Software Engineer

Location: Bangalore

Freshers Jobs by City
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Pune Jobs

Job Description:

  • Write clean, efficient, and robust code to implement data transformation workflows.
    Collaborate with other team members to ensure high-quality code that meets performance and scalability requirements
  • Optimize data flow performance by considering partitioning schemes, parallelization, and efficient data processing techniques. Identify bottlenecks and propose solutions to enhance overall system performance
  • Document design decisions, code, and system architecture. Write unit tests and perform integration testing to validate the correctness of data transformation logic. Maintain comprehensive documentation for future reference and troubleshooting
  • Act as a Designated Responsible Individual (DRI) in monitoring system/product feature/service for degradation, downtime, or interruptions for simple problems, and recommends actions to restore system/product/service by following the playbook


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, or related technical discipline with proven experience coding in languages including, but not limited to, C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, or Python OR equivalent experience.


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or related technical field AND 1+ year(s) technical engineering experience with coding in languages including, but not limited to, C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, or Python OR Master’s Degree in Computer Science or related technical field with proven experience coding in languages including, but not limited to, C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, or Python OR equivalent experience.
  • Ability to understand unfamiliar code bases, and debug server-side, multi-threaded, and highly scalable applications.
  • Ability to communicate, both verbal and written and work well in a diverse and global team-focused environment.

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Qualification: B.E / B.Tech M.E / M.Tech

Work Experience: 0 – 1 Year

Interview Questions
Core Java Interview Questions
Hibernate Interview Questions
Java Servlets Interview Questions
JDBC Interview Questions
Python Interview Questions
Spring Interview Questions
SQL Interview Questions
Top 30 HR Interview Questions with Answers For Freshers

How to Apply for Microsoft Recruitment 2024?

Interested and Eligible candidates can apply for this drive online by using the link below.

Apply: Click Here